Money-making Hobbies Hobbies can be a great source of fun and recreation, and they can also be a source of income. Whether it’s making art, arranging flowers, or baking muffins, taxpayers must report any money they make on their tax return. Business Or Hobby? The rules governing the reporting vary, depending on whether the activity… Read More

  Summer is quickly flying by and the 2019-2020 school year fast approaches! Students who need to file the 2019 FAFSA will need to use their income from their or their parents 2017 Federal Tax Return. Filing FAFSA and Reporting Taxes The IRS reminds people that there are multiple ways to access the 2017 tax… Read More

We share IRS updates that frequently remind taxpayers to do a “paycheck checkup,” but what exactly is that, and why is it important? Pay As You Go Our income tax system is a “pay as you go” system where taxes are owed as the income is being earned or received (annuities and pensions also count).… Read More

Social IRS Need to connect with the IRS? There’s an app for that. IRS2Go, available in English and Spanish, and for Android and Apple, offers tax tips, IRS YouTube videos, and your refund status. You can even pay your taxes via the app. In an effort to connect with small business owners and taxpayers, the… Read More

York County Councillors will meet in coming months to determine how and whether the county will offer incentives for businesses relocating to the area. Financial breaks to spur economic development are common, including fees in lieu of tax (FILOT) agreements, Bailey Bill which freezes taxable value on redevelopment properties, and federal Opportunity Zones (of which… Read More

When Should You File a Tax Extension? Every year, April comes around and there are many people who have not paid their taxes in full. If you have reached the end of the tax season and still need more time to file, there is a solution for you. It is fairly simple to file tax… Read More

If you need a portion of your advance sooner rather than on the government’s time schedule, you should do your taxes with our preparers before February 28th. Because the IRS is processing returns and beginning payments on tax returns that have refundable credits soon, Republic Bank will be ending the advance program for this year… Read More

Sometimes good news is hard to come by. Dire predictions, crime, and “the sky is falling!” articles get more clicks and reads and air time than any positive report could. And while it’s not been touted in every corner, our area is experiencing steady growth, good numbers, and an altogether positive outlook when it comes… Read More

We are one week away from the start of tax filing at the IRS. Tax Filing To Begin Despite Shutdown Tax filing season will begin January 28, 2019, despite government shutdown, IRS confirms. IRS employees, furloughed during the shutdown, will be recalled. Tax returns will be processed and refunds paid in a timely manner, so… Read More

What do you need for an early advance? You need to have reasonable evidence that you will be receiving a tax refund this year. That includes a W-2 for any labor you have done, as well as having evidence that you have either overpaid your taxes this year (and will get a refund) or qualify for refundable… Read More