Additional Delay in Form 1099-K Reporting

The IRS will treat 2023 as an additional transition year when it comes to the American Rescue Plan (ARP) provision regarding the $600 reporting threshold for third-party payment processors. Under previous rules, third-party processors and platforms did not have to report the payments on Form 1099-K unless the taxpayer received over $20,000 and had more than 200 transactions in the year. The ARP lowered that threshold to $600. After many months of feedback from taxpayers, tax professionals, payment processors and others, the IRS temporarily delayed the new requirement last year, and is repeating the delay for 2023. A phase-in threshold of $5,000 is planned for the 2024 tax year. 

Saver’s Credit Reminder

The IRS reminds low- and moderate-income taxpayers that the Retirement Savings Contributions Credit (Saver’s Credit) can help them earn a special tax credit in 2024 and beyond. The deadline for contributing to a workplace plan such as a 401(k) is December 31, and savers have until April 15, 2024 to contribute to an IRA or Roth IRA. The credit is available to individuals with adjusted gross incomes (AGIs) up to $36,500; heads of household can earn up to $54,750 AGI, and married couples filing jointly can claim the credit it with AGIs up to $73,000. Use the Interactive Tax Assistant tool for the Saver’s Credit to determine eligibility or visit the Saver’s Credit page for more information.

National Tax Security Awareness Week Commences

Security Summit partners have kicked off the 8th National Tax Security Awareness Week. The focus is on protecting sensitive financial information against identity thieves and other security threats, especially around the holidays and the start of the 2024 tax season. 

Fraud Awareness on Giving Tuesday

The IRS highlights its continued support of efforts to fight charity scams and fraud. Fake charities and scammers taking advantage of natural disasters or other situations are a drain on the resources of generous donors and deprive legitimate organizations of needed funds. Givers can use the Tax Exempt Organization Search tool to verify a charity’s status and review the Dirty Dozen tax scams for 2023.


September 15 Deadline Approaches

The IRS reminds taxpayers who pay estimated taxes that the deadline for their third quarter payment is September 15, 2023. This affects those taxpayers not subject to withholding, such as gig workers, sole proprietors, retirees, partners and S corporation shareholders. Those who expect to owe at least $1000 in taxes for 2023 after subtracting their withholding and tax credits must also pay. Taxpayers who are uncertain whether they are required to pay estimated taxes can use IRS tools to find out: Tax Withholding Estimator and the IRS Interactive Tax Assistant offer clear instructions. 

“Sweeping” Effort to Restore Fairness

The IRS announces “key changes” coming to reduce burden on average taxpayers and “restore fairness” to the tax system with Inflation Reduction Act funding. The agency will shift its focus from working-class taxpayers to the wealthy, using Artificial Intelligence to identify sophisticated tax-avoidance schemes. The IRS plans to ensure audit rates do not increase for those earning less than $400,000 a year and will expand compliance efforts in high-income/high wealth and partnership categories. Additionally, protecting all taxpayers from a variety of scams and schemes by raising consumer awareness on these issues will be a priority.

September – National Preparedness Month

The IRS reminds taxpayers that September is National Preparedness Month. With peak hurricane season just ahead, an updated emergency preparedness plan is key. 

Recommendations include the following:

  • Secure critical original documents inside water- and fireproof containers. This includes tax returns, birth certificates, social security cards, deeds, titles, and insurance policies. A duplicate copy of each can be stored with a trusted friend or converted into a digital file format and kept securely.
  • Keep a detailed inventory of property and business contents. Photos, videos, and written descriptions (including make and model numbers where applicable) are critical when documenting insurance claims or tax benefits. The IRS offers disaster loss workbooks for businesses and individuals to help compile such lists.
  • Reconstructing Records after a disaster may be required for getting federal assistance, insurance, or tax purposes. The IRS has tips for Reconstructing Records.
  • Employers using payroll service providers should check if their provider has a fiduciary bond in place to protect the employer against a possible provider default. The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) used by many employers to make federal tax payments can be especially convenient when disaster displaces businesses or employees. An EFTPS account can be created here.

Security Summit Wraps Up

The IRS has finished its annual education effort regarding online security for tax professionals and taxpayers. This year includes a five-part “Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself” series to help tax pros, especially smaller practices, protect against tax-related identity theft and fraud. The final installment of the series urges tax professionals to take critical steps to protect data and security:

  • Use caution around email attachments: Do not open links that arrive unexpectedly.
  • Do not commingle business and personal devices: do not conduct business on personal devices and do not web surf or download videos on business devices.
  • Do not share USB drives or external hard drives between personal and business devices.
  • Be careful with downloads.
  • Use strong passwords, always change default passwords, and change passwords often.

Educator Expense Deduction

The IRS reminds teachers and other educators that they’ll be able to deduct up to $300 of out-of-pocket classroom expenses for 2023 when they file their tax return next year. Even educators who take the standard deduction may claim this deduction, and if married to another educator, filing jointly, up to $600 may be claimed. Qualified costs include those incurred in the purchase of books, supplies, classroom materials, computer and software equipment and services, and COVID-19 protective items. Qualified expenses do not include costs associated with home education or nonathletic supplies for health or physical education. The IRS urges educators to keep good records and documentation.

Hawaii Wildfire Victim Tax Relief

The IRS has announced expansive tax relief for victims of Hawaii wildfires in Maui and Hawaii counties. These taxpayers now have until February 15, 2024 to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments. Any households or businesses located in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-designated disaster areas qualify for this relief. This relief postpones various filing and payment deadlines that occur from August 8, 2023 through February 15, 2024. Any returns and taxes originally due during this period have until the February deadline. This is automatically provided, and taxpayers do not have to take action to get this relief. However, if a taxpayer does receive a late filing or payment penalty notice, they should call the number on the notice to have it abated. More information is always available at the IRS’ disaster relief page

Educational Assistance Reminder

The IRS reminds employers and employees that under federal law, employers who provide educational assistance programs can use them to help pay student loan obligations for their employees. In an effort to promote this benefit, the IRS has a free webinar on September 14 to help people better understand this provision. Traditionally such programs have been used to pay for books, equipment, supplies, fees, and tuition; under current law, this feature will be available until December 31, 2025. 

Security Summit Continues

The IRS is continuing its annual education effort regarding online security for tax professionals and taxpayers. This year includes a five-part “Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself” series to help tax pros, especially smaller practices, protect against tax-related identity theft and fraud. The next two parts of the series are below:

Inflation Reduction = Energy Efficiency Credits

The IRS has issued Notice 2023-59 regarding the requirements for home energy audits for taxpayers that want to claim the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit. As one of several clean energy credits created by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the non-refundable Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit is equal to 30 percent of the total amount paid during the year for home energy audits, as well as other expenditures or improvements. To qualify, the audit must identify the most significant and cost-effective energy efficiency improvements to the residence, including an estimate of energy and cost savings to each improvement. The maximum credit for such audits is $150.

Tax Credits for Energy-Efficient Builders

The IRS reminds contractors who build or reconstruct qualified new energy efficient homes that they might qualify for a tax credit of up to $5000 per home. This Section 45L credit was expanded as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Builders must own the home and have a basis in it during the construction, and the home must be sold or leased to a person for use as a residence. The credit amount varies depending on standards met, including Energy Star program requirements, prevailing wage requirements, and others. 

Paperless Initiative Launched

Thanks again to the Inflation Reduction Act, the IRS is launching a paperless processing initiative. Taxpayers will have the option to go paperless for IRS correspondence (not just filing their tax return) by 2024 filing season, and by filing season 2025, an additional 150 of the most used non-tax forms will be available in digital, mobile-friendly formats. This will eliminate up to 200 million pieces of paper annually, cut processing times in half, and expedite refunds by several weeks. More information from IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel on the subject.

IRS Updates August 1 by Paul Davis

Security Summit Commences

The IRS has begun its annual education effort regarding online security for tax professionals and taxpayers. This year includes a five-part “Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself series to help tax pros, especially smaller practices, protect against tax-related identity theft and fraud.

New Employee Retention Credit Procedures

Having cleared the backlog of valid Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims, the IRS has entered a new phase of “increasing scrutiny on dubious submissions” while continuing warnings against aggressive ERC marketing. The IRS has increased audit and criminal investigation work on the remaining ERC claims, both on the promoters as well as those filing questionable claims. The misleading marketing creates an array of problems for tax professionals and the IRS, and anyone improperly claiming the ERC must pay it back, possibly with substantial penalties and interest. Phone calls, text messages, direct mail, radio, tv, and online ads are luring businesses and tax-exempt groups into applying for the credit. They often leave out key details about the very limited scope of the credit. The best way to avoid these risks is to work with a trusted tax professional.

No More Unannounced Visits

The IRS has announced a major policy change that will end most unannounced visits to taxpayers by revenue officers. This aims to reduce public confusion and enhance safety measures for both taxpayers and IRS employees. This is a reversal of a decades-long practice by IRS officers and will be replaced in most cases by mailed letters to schedule meetings. The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) praises the change, as such jobs “have only grown more dangerous in recent years because of false, inflammatory rhetoric about the agency and its workforce.” Additionally, scammers have tried to impersonate revenue officers. There will still be very limited situations where unannounced visits will occur, but these will mostly be for serving summonses and subpoenas, or for sensitive enforcement activities.




Design by Paul Davis

Refunds Deadline Approaching

The IRS reminds those who haven’t filed their 2019 tax return that the window for claiming potential refunds is closing. The deadline for filing and claiming any refund for 2019 is July 17, 2023. The law allows 3 years to file and claim refunds (although that deadline was extended for 2019 due to COVID-19), and requires taxpayers to properly address, mail, and ensure the tax return is postmarked by July 17, 2023. Over 18,000 South Carolina residents are presumed to be among those who haven’t filed. Unclaimed refunds become the property of the US Treasury. Refund checks may also be held if tax returns for 2020 and 2021 have not been filed. Prior year tax forms are available online, and key documents must be obtained from employers or the IRS. 

Disaster Victims Given Notice

The IRS is sending a “special follow-up mailing” to taxpayers in several states to let them know that they have additional time to pay their taxes. An initial mailing of a CP14 notice told taxpayers who have a balance due that they needed to pay within 21 days. These taxpayers actually have until later this year to pay, under the disaster declaration and relief. These new mailings, CP14CL, aim to mitigate confusion caused by the earlier CP14 notice and to help reassure people. The IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel says, “this mailing reflects how we’re trying to be more taxpayer-focused given the additional resources that we’ve been given under the Inflation Reduction Act.”

New Scam Warning Issued

The IRS is warning taxpayers to be on the lookout for a new scam mailing intended to mislead people into believing they are owed a tax refund. This new scheme involves a cardboard mailer from a delivery service and an enclosed letter with wording that the notice is “in relation to your unclaimed refund.” Naturally the contact information and phone number on the document do not belong to the IRS, but the notice seeks sensitive personal information from taxpayers – including detailed photos of drivers’ licenses – that can be used by identity thieves. The requests are often as follows: 

“A Clear Phone of Your Driver’s License That Clearly Displays All Four (4) Angles, Taken in a Place with Good Lighting.”


“You’ll Need to Get This to Get Your Refunds After Filing. These Must Be Given to a Filing Agent Who Will Help You Submit Your Unclaimed Property Claim. Once You Send All The Information Please Try to Be Checking Your Email for Response From The Agents Thanks”

The IRS urges taxpayers to note the multitude of warning signs, including odd punctuation, a mixture of fonts, and inaccuracies. Other known scams can be reviewed on the IRS Dirty Dozen list



IRS Updates June 2023 by Paul Davis
July 17 Deadline for 2019 Refunds

The IRS estimates that nearly 1.5 million people in the nation could be due refunds for tax year 2019, if they submit a tax return by the July 17 deadline. The usual deadline for submitting a tax return and getting a refund is 3 years from the initial deadline, but under the COVID-19 emergency, the deadline for 2019 was postponed. Taxpayers can still request key documents from their employers or banks, or request a wage and income transcript from the IRS, online or by filing Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return

Advance Energy Project Guidance

The IRS has issued Notice 2023-44, providing further details for applicants seeking section 48C credit allocations in the qualifying advanced energy project credit allocation program under the Inflation Reduction Act. Notice 2023-18 earlier this year established the section 48C(3) program to allocate $10 billion in credits, at least $4 billion of which will be allocated to projects located in certain energy communities census tracts. This guidance is mainly of interest to owners of clean energy manufacturing and recycling projects, greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, and critical material projects. Notice 2023-44 updates the earlier guidance, defining qualifying advance energy projects and the Department of Energy (DOE) application process, in Appendices A and B, respectively. Appendix C has also been added, containing a list of the energy communities census tracts.

Penalty Relief for Corporations

The IRS and Treasury have issued Notice 2023-42, which will grant penalty relief for corporations that did not pay estimated tax in connection with the new corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT). The Inflation Reduction Act created the CAMT, which imposes a 25% minimum tax on the adjusted financial statement income of large corporations for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022. Due to the challenges associated with determining the amount of a corporation’s CAMT liability and whether a corporation is subject to the CAMT, the IRS will waive the penalty for failure to pay estimated income tax with respect to its CAMT for a taxable year that falls within specific dates. 

Filing Season Scams Abound

The IRS has issued an alert warning taxpayers of new scams that urge people to claim false tax credits with inaccurate wage information. One scheme encourages people to use tax software to manually fill out Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement with false income information. Scam artists instruct people to use the bogus information in their electronically-filed return with the aim of getting a large refund. A variation of the scam involves using Form 7202, Credits for Sick Leave and Family Leave for Certain Self-Employed Individuals to claim a credit based on income earned as an employee. These credits are not available for 2022 tax returns. 

Another warning has been renewed, urging people to carefully review the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) guidelines before trying to claim the credit. Third parties are aggressively pushing ineligible people to use this, misleading people and businesses into thinking they can claim these credits. Penalties are wide-ranging and may include a $5000 fine or criminal prosecution. Those who have participated in such schemes can amend a previous return or consult with a trusted tax professional.

Digital Intake Ramps Up

The IRS has announced an expansion of digital scanning, having already scanned more than 120,000 paper Forms 940 since the beginning of the year. This is a 20-fold increase compared to all of 2022. The effort will expand soon to include scanning of Forms 1040 and Forms 941. The IRS has used various technologies to scan tax returns over the years, but recently took a leap forward thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. Most tax returns are filed electronically but millions of forms are still filed by paper. With an increased capability to scan and electronically process these paper returns, the IRS will be able to shorten overall processing time.

Retiree Reminder: April 1 Deadline Approaches

The IRS reminds retirees who turned 72 during 2022 that, in most cases, Saturday, April 1, 2023 is the last day to begin receiving payments from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), 401(k)s and similar workplace retirement plans. These payments, called required minimum distributions (RMDs) are normally made by the end of the year. However, those who reached age 72 during 2022 are covered by a special rule that allows them to wait until as late as April 1, 2023 to take their first RMD. This delayed deadline only applies to the RMD for the first year. In subsequent years the RMD must be made by the year’s end. This means that those who opt for their 2022 RMD by April 1 must still receive their 2023 RMD by December 31, 2023. Both RMDs are taxable and will be reported on the 2023 tax return. Visit the RMD FAQs page for more information.


W-2 Filing Deadline Approaches

The IRS reminds employers and other businesses to file Form W-2 and other wage statements for Tax Year 2022 by January 31, 2023. The deadline also applies to Forms 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation, and Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements. Extensions are only granted for very specific reasons and penalties may apply if the deadline is missed. E-file is available for these forms. 

January 23 Official Start to Tax Season

Monday, January 23, 2023, will be the beginning of the 2023 tax season when the IRS will begin accepting and processing 2022 tax year returns. With the increase in staffing at the IRS, provided via the Inflation Reduction Act, the agency aims to ensure all systems run smoothly. Filing a complete and accurate return can avoid extensive processing delays, such as were seen during pandemic years. The IRS is still working on reviewing certain 2021 returns, though taxpayers in that situation can and should still file their 2022 return on time. The filing deadline is April 18, 2023.

Relief for California Storm Victims

Storm victims in California now have until May 15, 2023, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make payments. This relief postpones certain deadlines that occurred starting January 8, 2023. IRA and health savings accounts contributions for 2022, farmers who normally file their returns by March 1, quarterly estimated tax payments normally due January 17 and April 18, payroll and excise tax returns normally due on January 31 and April 30, 2023, all are due May 15, 2023. The Tax Relief in Disaster Situations page has updated information for disaster victims, and a current list of affected counties.

IRS Completes Corrections

The IRS recently completed corrections of tax year 2020 accounts for taxpayers who overpaid their taxes on unemployment compensation received in 2020. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 – passed in March 2021 – excluded up to $10,200 in 2020 unemployment compensation from taxable income calculations ($10,200 for each spouse if married filing jointly). Some taxpayers, however, had already filed their return before the Act passed. The IRS determined the correct taxable amount of unemployment compensation for these returns and has issued refunds or applied the overpayment to taxes due or other debts. 

Interest Rates to Increase

The IRS has announced that interest rates will increase again, beginning October 1, 2022. Individuals will see an increase of 1% as compared to the quarter that began in July, with 6% as the rate for underpayments (taxes owed but not yet paid) and overpayments (payments made in excess of the amount owed). Other rates are as follows:

  • 6% for overpayments (5% for corporations). 
  • 3.5% for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000.
  • 6% for underpayments.
  • 8% for large corporate underpayments. 

These interest rates are computed from the federal short-term rate determined during July 2022.

Pandemic-Related Penalty Relief

The IRS has issued a notice which provides penalty relief to most people and businesses who file certain 2019 or 2020 returns late. In addition, the IRS will be issuing more than $1.2 billion in refunds and credits to those who already paid these penalties, nearly 1.6 million taxpayers. They say this aims to allow the IRS to focus resources on processing backlogged tax returns and other correspondence before next year’s filing season. The relief will be automatic for those who qualify, so no action is required on the part of businesses or individuals. To qualify for this relief, however, tax returns for those years must be filed on or before September 30, 2022.

Reminder to Extension Filers

The IRS reminds taxpayers who haven’t filed their 2021 tax return to make sure they take advantage of available entitlements and to file electronically as soon as possible. These tax benefits include Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Child and Dependent Care Credit, Charitable Giving Deduction, and others. Taxpayers will need to have their year-end statements available, as well as the letters issued by the IRS showing advance Child Tax Credit payments and third round Economic Impact Payments.

Input Requested

The IRS is requesting input from both taxpayers and tax professionals regarding its best practices for conducting video conferences with those who have cases pending before Appeals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferences were expanded. These allowed taxpayers to be seen and heard and be able to visually share documents without going in-person to an Appeals office. This garnered positive feedback, so Appeals will continue to offer video conferences as an option. Public input is sought for permanent guidance regarding scheduling and conducting the conferences, procedures for verification, and recommendations for establishing a professional meeting environment. Public comments can be sent to by Wednesday, November 16, 2022.