Time for a Paycheck Checkup!

Tax season for 2018 is over, and the IRS recommends that taxpayers look at last year’s taxes to determine whether you are overpaying or underpaying in your withholding. Checking your withholding yearly is highly recommended by the IRS, but people who have had significant changes in their possible tax status definitely should do a checkup.

People who have

  • Adjusted their withholding within the last year
  • Owed more taxes when they filed taxes
  • Received an inheritance
  • Changed jobs
  • Moved
  • Had children
  • Got married or divorced
  • Any other significant life events
  • Or had a significantly different refund than expected.

You can read more about paycheck checkups in the post below. And, if you think you might need to do a paycheck checkup, please reach out to us for an appointment or stop by the office, Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to Noon.
